Bootstrap Framework 3.3.6

Over a dozen reusable components built to provide iconography, dropdowns, input groups, navigation, alerts, and much more...

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By silvinci
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I didn't really know where to put this, as it is not really a feature request, nor criticism. Just a general suggestion.
Would you, by any chance, open source the code or allow a certain group of coders to acces it so they can file pull requests?
I often find myself decompiling the binary to tweak some things, that I'd like to give back to you guys. Allowing third parties to contribute usually vastly accelerates development speed.

Of course it's always a special thing with proprietary software, so I could understand you very well, if your answer was "no".
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By silvinci
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Great! When you've come to a conclusion, let me hear about it. ;)

(btw, new UI is doing well, first demo in a few days)
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By GunfighterJ
I think this sounds like a cool idea. Getting more opinions and ideas on the program could really help. I even have a few ideas myself, if you are willing to allow more developers.

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1. Shell Script ( Create […]

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