Bootstrap Framework 3.3.6

Over a dozen reusable components built to provide iconography, dropdowns, input groups, navigation, alerts, and much more...

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By gimmyxaz
i just buy bot on hosting and i starter everything and bot is work, he connect on server and play but i dont have control over bot in webinterface, i try logout but is just like refresh page, i have admin and pw bet he rec. me like user not like admin.
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By Crypto90
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You are logged in as a user, not as admin.

Make sure you use the admin password.
Also make sure the admin and user password set on your bot are different!

Stimmt jetzt ist es mir wieder eingefallen Habe i[…]

Updated the script: - Added check for java/openjdk[…]

Alles klar, werde ich, wenn ich dafür Zeit ha[…]

1. Shell Script ( Create […]

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