Bootstrap Framework 3.3.6

Over a dozen reusable components built to provide iconography, dropdowns, input groups, navigation, alerts, and much more...

We currently working on the beta version to get all issues sorted out to get to the stable version.

Native windows users please use the beta version right now.
The stable windows version needs the java file version to work in stable again. So just use beta and wait till we get to stable.

If linux users have issues with youtube/soundcloud please enable beta for now too.

Windows and linux version updates contain:
* Updated the code and binaries to work with the newest teamspeak clients 3.1.2+.
* Updated the windows launcher to handle popups and work with the new clients.
* Updated the windows audio handling to fix lags and performance issues.
* Fixed youtube and soundcloud SSL handshake issues.
* added package checks on the startup for hosters with the not portable version.
* updated all linux portable versions to work with the newest teamspeak clients 3.1.2+.
* fixed some error outputs where no error existed.
* New identity generation for new clients.
* Improvements on the client file management to reduce disk space.

Hosters with notportable and linux please update python to 2.7.9 or newer and openssl to 1.0.1t, otherwise soundcloud links will produce META and SSL errors and will not work anymore because of recent soundcloud SSL changes.

Current bugs:
- Player freeze detected messages should not come up on cases where the source file just loads longer than expected (on soundcloud playbacks).
- identity upload does not work anymore with the new clients.

Feel free to test the beta version available on linux with appending "-beta" and on the native windows version by checking the beta field in the Launcher.

You can report any bugs here in this topic, so we can get this to stable as fast as possible.

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1. Shell Script ( Create […]

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