Bootstrap Framework 3.3.6

Over a dozen reusable components built to provide iconography, dropdowns, input groups, navigation, alerts, and much more...

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bei meinem TS3MusikBot auf meinem V-Server startet nur der Quary und nicht der Client! Ich habe auch mal den debug angemacht aber ich kann damit nicht so viel anfangen. Könnt ihr mir helfen?
Code: Select all
/_  __/ ___/__  //  |/  /_  _______(_)____/ __ )____  / /
  / /  \__ \ /_ </ /|_/ / / / / ___/ / ___/ __  / __ \/ __/
 / /  ___/ /__/ / /  / / /_/ (__  ) / /__/ /_/ / /_/ / /_
/_/  /____/____/_/  /_/\__,_/____/_/\___/_____/\____/\__/

Linux Musikbot-1 2.6.32-042stab134.3 #1 SMP Sun Oct 14 12:26:01 MSK 2018 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Debug exec for client enabled.
TS3MusicBot (21.01.2019) started...
------------------ UPDATE MANAGER STARTED ------------------

Checking for updates...

ln: failed to create symbolic link '.dep/cde-root/TS3MusicBot_play': File exists
------------------ UPDATE MANAGER FINISHED -----------------

Initializing instance: 9756080fbaabdc909436df9403e7d2d2887d0433
Listening on port 8080.
External webinterface URL: http://ZENSIERT:8080
TS3MusicBot: TS3MusicBot "TS3MusicBot" starts now
TS3MusicBot: =============================================================
TS3MusicBot: TeamSpeak mode enabled
TS3MusicBot: =============================================================
Starting with account: ZENSIERT
TS3MusicBot: Successful connected to ZENSIERT!
TS3MusicBot: Login as "serveradmin" successful!
TS3MusicBot: Successful selected virtual server on port 9987!
TS3MusicBot: All new connecting clients get the default welcome message
TS3MusicBot: New connecting clients of selected server groups (id: 49) get the special welcome message
TS3MusicBot: Client get kicked from Server after start recording
TS3MusicBot: Clients will be moved into Channel "? AFK-Bot hat mich gemoved" (245) after being idle for 1 minutes
TS3MusicBot: Clients will be kicked from server after being idle for 30 minutes
TS3MusicBot: Clients with away status will be moved to Channel "? AFK-Bot hat mich gemoved" (245) after 0 seconds and moved back if not away anymore!
TS3MusicBot: Clients with headphone or microphone muted will be moved to Channel "? AFK-Bot hat mich gemoved" (245) after 60 seconds and moved back if not muted anymore!
TS3MusicBot: Watching for new connecting clients of selected server groups (id: 49, 51, 43, 66), sending message to all online clients of server group ids: 37
TS3MusicBot: Watching for clients with server groups (id: 34, 35, 36, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 81, 72, 73, 74, 75) joining channels (id: 225), sending message to all online clients of server group ids: 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 33, 70
TS3MusicBot: Auto Move is enabled, default channels for 2 server groups set
TS3MusicBot: TS3MusicBot started and connected successful, write !botinfo in chat to get an answer!
TS3MusicBot: Using imported identity: identities/TS3MusicBot_9756080fbaabdc909436df9403e7d2d2887d0433/identity.txt
Starting player.. done
Starting client/usr/bin/r: 177: fmt: not found

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Johannes K.

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