Bootstrap Framework 3.3.6

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By biohazardmatthew
I have 2 bot instances connected to my TeamSpeak server. One using query and the 2nd not using it because I discovered if I used query on both it would copy the settings from 1 bot to another every time I restarted them.

With that being said they both give the same error stating they don't have permission to set their custom avatar even though I have made them both Server Admins and confirmed that Server Admins can set their avatar without issue. I even made the permission -1 for no size limit.

The 1st bot using Query sure enough never is able to set it's avatar as the error states however the 2nd bot that's not using Query does actually set the avatar sometimes even though it still displays the error saying it couldn't even when it actually does. Very weird...

Anyone else have any experience with this issue?

"Could not set avatar. Make sure the client has the permissions to set an avatar. Set the server group right 'i_client_max_avatar_filesize' to value '200000' (200KB) or higher or '-1' (no limit)."
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By Crypto90
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In order to get static settings order on multiple instances, start your first bot with:

-number 1

And the second bot with:

-number 2

On what system is your bot running? Windows or Linux?
On windows WSL the avatar does not work, as the ts client has an issue loading the avatar inside WSL.
On Linux it should work, but I can check again if we have any issue here.
By biohazardmatthew
In the start string add "-number 1" like where we put the other command arguements such as "-port 8080" ?

It's running on Linux Ubuntu Server 24.04

On the second bot that currently has -noquery the avatar will work for like the very first song but then it just stays frozen there and never updates again and after the error is displayed 3 times it always says it was automatically turned off because of 3 failed attempts.
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By Crypto90
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Yes you put the argument „-number 1“ to the start command arguments like the „-port 8080“. Just add a space behind and write the next argument.

Will check the avatar functionality.
By biohazardmatthew
I noticed today there was a a new update so I installed it on all my bots and now the dynamic avatar features are working correctly and not giving errors :-D

Thank you
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By Crypto90
Posts Custom Custom Avatar
Really? We have not made a change regarding the avatar in the update. Those updates where mainly to fix the build in Webbrowser and Spotify compatibility (needed to update the browser files and fixing some samplerate issues which appeared with the new browser version).

Please keep monitoring your avatar issue then.
Maybe the update procedure fixed a permission issue on your side.

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