Bootstrap Framework 3.3.6

Over a dozen reusable components built to provide iconography, dropdowns, input groups, navigation, alerts, and much more...

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By Meldric

MB geupdated, danach verbindet der Client nicht mehr. Ist nicht gebannt. Neue Identität hat nichts gebracht. Es gibt kein client.log im Ordner, also startet der Client ganricht? Im Webinterface ist Client rot, alles andere sieht normal aus.

TS3 client could not connect after 3 tries. Retry in 60 seconds. [1.] Check if is online.! [2.] The TS3MusicBot has not got banned by someone.
TS3 client could not connect after 3 tries. Retry in 60 seconds. [1.] Check if is online.! [2.] The TS3MusicBot has not got banned by someone.

Was kann das sein?
By Meldric

In welchem Log soll die Ausgabe stehen? Ein client.log gibt es nicht. In der error Datei steht das hier:

/usr/bin/xauth: creating new authority file /tmp/TS3MusicBot.root.5380.8080
SELinux: Disabled on system, not enabling in X server

Es hat alles problemlos funktioniert, bis ich gestern dem update zugestimmt habe...

Das aus dem anderen Thread hat nichts gebracht.
By Meldric

Ok, das kommt:

TS3MusicBot (01.06.2018) started...
------------------ UPDATE MANAGER STARTED ------------------
Checking for updates...
ln: creating symbolic link `.dep/cde-root/TS3MusicBot_play': File exists
------------------ UPDATE MANAGER FINISHED -----------------
Initializing instance: c9bceb9f19d87b5c5bde23f0e42d8f800a07886b
Listening on port 8080.

TS3MusicBot: TS3MusicBot "TS3MusicBot" starts now
TS3MusicBot: =============================================================
TS3MusicBot: TeamSpeak mode enabled
TS3MusicBot: =============================================================
Starting with account:

TS3MusicBot: Login as "Phelan" successful!
TS3MusicBot: Successful selected virtual server on port 9987!
TS3MusicBot: All new connecting clients get the default welcome message
TS3MusicBot: Advertising will be send to virtual server every 60 minutes (1 messages found)
TS3MusicBot: Clients with away status will be moved to Channel "AFK" (208) after 15 seconds
TS3MusicBot: Bot started and connected successful, write !botinfo in server chat to get an answer!
Starting client.. done

Console input started (use 'help' for a list of commands):
Starting client[pid 25785] +++ killed by SIGTERM +++[pid 25817] +++ killed by SIGTERM +++[pid 25824] +++ killed by SIGTERM +++QIconvCodec::convertFromUnicode: using Latin-1 for conversion, iconv_open failed
QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath: Please instantiate the QApplication object first
QIconvCodec::convertToUnicode: using Latin-1 for conversion, iconv_open failed
Fontconfig error: Cannot load default config file
process 25735: D-Bus library appears to be incorrectly set up; failed to read machine uuid: Failed to open "/etc/machine-id": No such file or directory
See the manual page for dbus-uuidgen to correct this issue.
/client/ line 47: 25735 Terminated ./ts3client_linux_amd64 $@
.. done
Starting client[pid 26855] +++ killed by SIGTERM +++[pid 26895] +++ killed by SIGTERM +++[pid 26932] +++ killed by SIGTERM +++QIconvCodec::convertFromUnicode: using Latin-1 for conversion, iconv_open failed
QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath: Please instantiate the QApplication object first
QIconvCodec::convertToUnicode: using Latin-1 for conversion, iconv_open failed
Fontconfig error: Cannot load default config file
process 26846: D-Bus library appears to be incorrectly set up; failed to read machine uuid: Failed to open "/etc/machine-id": No such file or directory
See the manual page for dbus-uuidgen to correct this issue.
/client/ line 47: 26846 Terminated ./ts3client_linux_amd64 $@
^C[pid 27738] +++ killed by SIGINT +++^C

Du hattest dann Recht mit diesem Problem. Aber die Datei ist da (ich hab das Konsolenkommando ausgeführt). Die Datei /etc/machine-id gehört root
Selbes problem wie im obigen verlinkten Post.
Dein Dbus ist nicht korrekt auf dem Server konfiguriert:
Code: Select all
process 26846: D-Bus library appears to be incorrectly set up; failed to read machine uuid: Failed to open "/etc/machine-id": No such file or directory
See the manual page for dbus-uuidgen to correct this issue.
Um das zu beheben:
Code: Select all
dbus-uuidgen > /etc/machine-id
oder ggf. wenn das nicht hilft das Paket "dbus" neu installieren.

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