Bootstrap Framework 3.3.6

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By Jazz
Some chat commands are not working at all. I've set the Admin permissions to my unique ID and then user permissions to *.

!bothelp, !stop, !next, etc. all work fine but !addyt, !queue, etc. do not work at all.

The only way I can queue music is from the web interface.

In the commands log it shows that it reads the commands just fine, but it doesn't do anything beyond that.

Also is there a way to make the bot automatically reconnect to the server on server reboot?

System Info:
Debian 9.4 x64
25GB Disk w/1GB Memory

Server Log:
Code: Select all
2018-03-25 09:14:43START_MODTS3MusicBot "TS3MusicBot" starts now
2018-03-25 09:14:43START_INFO=============================================================
2018-03-25 09:14:43START_INFOTeamSpeak mode enabled
2018-03-25 09:14:43START_INFO=============================================================
2018-03-25 09:14:44START_INFOSuccessful connected to!
2018-03-25 09:14:44START_INFOLogin as "MusicBot" successful!
2018-03-25 09:14:44PERMISSION_CACHEWarning: Unable to receive permission list! If wanted, set permission b_serverinstance_permission_list.
2018-03-25 09:14:44PERMISSION_CACHEServerQuery Error 2568 @ getList(): insufficient client permissions - Permission ID: 6
2018-03-25 09:14:44START_INFOSuccessful selected virtual server on port 9987!
2018-03-25 09:14:44DEFAULT_WELCOMEMESSAGE_MODEAll new connecting clients get the default welcome message
2018-03-25 09:14:44IDLE_MODEClients will be moved into Channel "AFK" (1) after being idle for 20 minutes
2018-03-25 09:14:44IDLE_WARN_MODEClients get a warning message after being idle for 15 minutes
2018-03-25 09:14:44START_SUCCESSFULBot started and connected successful, write !botinfo in server chat to get an answer!
2018-03-25 09:17:38COMMANDGot command from Jazz: !bothelp

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