Bootstrap Framework 3.3.6

Over a dozen reusable components built to provide iconography, dropdowns, input groups, navigation, alerts, and much more...

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Description of the problem: The bot won't connect to the server as a Client but it is able to connect as a Server Query.
What isn't working? Bot Connecting as a Client to the server
Since when isn't it working? I just purchased the bot and this is my first time setup
Does the problem occur permanent, frequently, occasionally or when you do an specific action?N/A
Error message (if available) no error message is shown

Operating system: Windows 10 Pro x64
Short list of the Hardware the TS3MusicBot is running on
System load (Used RAM, CPU load) .2% cpu 12 mb ram

Failed solution approaches: I've tried adding the identity of an account but i'm just not sure what im doing wrong at all.
We need to know if you've already tried something to fix the problem.

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