Bootstrap Framework 3.3.6

Over a dozen reusable components built to provide iconography, dropdowns, input groups, navigation, alerts, and much more...

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By vaati73
Hello, here I have a bug (sorry I only speak very little english)

I select all music and he play juste one song and freeze, i can't play next song.

Can you help me ?

(I'm hosting by VeryGames)
By Shadow86
Can it be that you have many various special characters in your song names?


By Shadow86
I tested it again, it still plays songs one after another.

you said you selected all and it only plays one, how did you try to start them / play them songs?

could you provide a picture where on the webinterface you start the music, so that it is clearer for me to understand.


By vaati73
I pressed the playlist "NB"
ss+(2017-02-08+at+07.05.45).jpg (157.78 KiB) Viewed 1695 times

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