Bootstrap Framework 3.3.6

Over a dozen reusable components built to provide iconography, dropdowns, input groups, navigation, alerts, and much more...

If you need help, post your question here.
To relieve the developers a bit, other user can help here too.
By Silwak
So after i installed the client, it ran a bunch of updates and gave me the web interface connection link but the link is not working and i cant do anything else without setting it up via the webinterface
By Silwak
I am using windows 7. Port is 8081. And im not 100% sure if its being used/blocked in the firewall. i have tried looking
into the firewall settings but i could not find the exact location of ports etc
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By Ronneberg
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Are you running it on your local PC or on a dedicated server/vps? If on a local PC, you whether need to open the port in the router (google "router name" port forwarding) or you can try to open the webinterface on
On a server first try a different port, maybe you need to set the port to open in the user control panel of your hoster.
By Silwak
Ah the allowed me to log in via that. But it will only let me login using the user password not the admin,
and going through the setting in there, trying to play a song, it will show the link playing but in teamspeak the bot is not
making any noise
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By Ronneberg
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Have you maybe set the same password for the User and the Admin? You need different passwords for each. Also make sure you have set the password as you want, maybe you've got a character to much in it.
Are you trying to play a link? Maybe try an mp3 file or similar, maybe the link is the problem. Please also check if the Bot has enough talkpower to talk in the channel of your TeamSpeak Server.
By Shadow86
Your were on our Support-TS3 and we fixed it, so i close this thread now, if you have any further questions feel free to make a new thread



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