Bootstrap Framework 3.3.6

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By dj3hac
I've had TS3 Music Bot running on my server before, when I was running an Ubuntu server. However I made the move to windows for better compatibility with some other services running on the machine. After configuring the bot startup with TS3MusicBot.exe, I click start. Virtual box tries to start, I see the main Virtual box window open and a console window, but they both close immediately, indicating that Virtual box has crashed. I've been picking away at this for a few hours now, any help would be greatly appreciated.

I've attached the only log I'm able to generate, since the VM won't even start.

EDIT: I should probably add that this is a dedicated machine running windows 7 x64. I have direct access to the machine I'm not connecting via VNC. However, once everything is running fine the server will be running headless, so I will need VNC as an option.

EDIT: EDIT: Updating to the latest version of Virtual box made it worse, uninstalling, and reinstalling the latest version WITHOUT network bridging support seems to have worked. I will report back within 24 hours if I have anymore problems, otherwise, please close this thread.
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