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[Tutorial] Stop Musicbot via Putty (CentOS 6.6)

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2015 7:29 pm
by Elhero
Soo today, i had a problem. I couldn't stop my TS3MusicBot and my password fucked up... so here's an tutorial to stop it when screen is used
screen -S ts3musicbot1 ./ -account EMAIL -port PORT -webif-pw PASSWORD -webif-pw-user PASSWORD -noquery
You can set any name for the screen. In this case we name it ts3musicbot1.

Log in to Putty as root and write:
screen -ls
On my server there's only one session running
22550.ts3musicbot1 (Detached)
Write following to kill the session:
screen -X -S ts3musicbot1 quit
after that proceed with:
screen -S ts3musicbot1 ./ -account EMAIL -port PORT -webif-pw PASSWORD -webif-pw-user PASSWORD -noquery
To start up the bot again