Bootstrap Framework 3.3.6

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is there a tutorial to make TS3MusicBot run when the server is restarted. This tutorial use init.d scripts to run. sorry for my bad english. I use google translation and I'm from Indonesia.

First create a file with the following command :
Code: Select all
#nano /etc/init.d/ts3music
Copy and paste the following code then save : (NB : please edit before saving)
Code: Select all
#chkconfig: 2345 99 10
USER="teamspeak3-music" #replace with your server user
TS3M='/home/teamspeak3-music/TS3MusicBot' #TS3MusicBot Directory
cd $TS3M
case "$1" in
	su $USER -c "screen -m -d -S TS3Music ./ -account YOUR_ACCOUNT -webif-pw YOUR_PASSWORD -webif-pw-user YOUR_USER_PASSWORD"
	su $USER -c "screen -X -S TS3Music quit"
	echo "Usage $0 start|stop"
now we will make chmod to ts3music file with the following code :
Code: Select all
chmod 755 /etc/init.d/ts3music
in this section we will configure ts3music to 2345 with the following code : (NB : before configuration make sure sysv-rc-conf has been installed)
Code: Select all
sysv-rc-conf --level 2345 ts3music on
then reboot.

after booting you can check TS3MusicBot been running
Code: Select all
#su teamspeak3-music
#screen -ls
Why did you not add the restart option? It's so simple!
Code: Select all
    #chkconfig: 2345 99 10
    USER="teamspeak3-music" #replace with your server user
    TS3M='/home/teamspeak3-music/TS3MusicBot' #TS3MusicBot Directory
    cd $TS3M
    case "$1" in
       su $USER -c "screen -m -d -S TS3Music ./ -account YOUR_ACCOUNT -webif-pw YOUR_PASSWORD -webif-pw-user YOUR_USER_PASSWORD"
       $0 stop
       sleep 1
       $0 start
       su $USER -c "screen -X -S TS3Music quit"
       echo "Usage $0 start|restart|stop"
Anyone know why if I use this script it gets stuck on Starting client
but if I run.
su teamspeak -c "screen -m -d -S TS3Music ./ -account YOUR_ACCOUNT -webif-pw YOUR_PASSWORD -webif-pw-user YOUR_USER_PASSWORD"

manually it starts fine? I am on ubuntu 13.10
Just posting in case someone else finds this useful I gave up trying to get it to work.It used to work but one of the updates broke it.

I used tmux instead I hacked together this startup script.
Code: Select all
SESSION=musicbot  #TMUX session name
USER="teamspeak"  #Change to your user
TSMB="/home/teamspeak/TS3MusicBot" #Change to your TS3MusicBot Directory 
case "$1" in
tmux new-session -d -s $SESSION
tmux send-keys "su $USER" C-m
tmux send-keys "cd $TSMB" C-m
tmux send-keys "sh ./ -account YOUR_ACCOUNT -webif-pw YOUR_PASSWORD -webif-pw-user YOUR_USER_PASSWORD" C-m
       $0 stop
       sleep 1
       $0 start
    tmux kill-session -t $SESSION
   echo "Usage $0 start|restart|stop"

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