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TS3MusicBot Control Script


Current version: Image


Full Information Here:


1. Attention

A license is required to use the Bot! Buy license here:


2. About
You ever wanted to play music on your teamspeak or discord server? Now you can!
TS3MusicBot is a unique feature for your teamspeak or discord server fully working on linux and windows.

Upload music files, manage folders, play all kind of music files, stream live internet radio stations, direct playback of youtube, soundcloud and more links.
The TS3MusicBot can be controlled with chat commands or with the build in webinterface.

Listen to music in groups while playing your favorite game. Let your friends listen to a youtube video you found.
A new experience to listen music live with others in the same channel.
This Script:

* Controll Script for TS3MusicBot.
* With this Script you can Easy Start, Stop, Restart the Bot.
* You can Check the State of the Bot.
* You can Easy Join into the Screen Session.

The Script Create a User (TS3MusicBot_Control).

All Bots Start under this User.

All Datas will save at /home/TS3MusicBot_Control/


3. Usage

1. Installation (Autoinstall):
Code: Select all
curl -sSL | bash
2. Start the Script after Installation with:
Code: Select all

4. Latest Changes

Version 1.0.0

New Release. Revision of TS3MB_Script

* Add Auto Install for the Scrip with curl. You Only need 1 Line to Install.
* Add Backup. Now you can Backup System Files or All Fiels.
* Add Screenlog. Now you can Print out the Last 40 Lines of the Screenlog file from the Bot.
* Add Screen Wipe. Delete dead screen sessions when starting the script.
* Add Spinner.
* Add Executable from Any Directory. You can Start it with TS3MusicBot_Control from Any Directory.
* Add Disable YTDL -> MP3. Now you can Disable YTDL -> MP3 Convert for each bot individually.
* Remove Logger. The logger has been deactivated. We may be reactivated later
* Remove User Choice. Now the Script Create and Use the User TS3MusicBot_Control
* Remove Autostart and Autorestart description. Maybe here comes something with one of the next updates ;) Maybe!
* Edit Settings Save. Now Settings and Botsettings are stored in a sqlite database.
* Edit Change Bot Parameters. Now check if the Bot are Running. If it is running you don't can Change Settings.
* Edit Password Save. Now Passwords are saved in base64. You can Use some Special characters like: !"§$%&/()=?`´^°²³{[]}\*~|'
* Some Many Code Changes.

Full Changelog: ... /CHANGELOG
Last edited by philippe on Fri Dec 14, 2018 11:43 pm, edited 24 times in total.
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By philippe
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Last changes:

Version 1.0.0 (07.07.2019)

New Release. Revision of TS3MB_Script

o Add Auto Install for the Scrip with curl. You Only need 1 Line to Install.
o Add Backup. Now you can Backup System Files or All Fiels.
o Add Screenlog. Now you can Print out the Last 40 Lines of the Screenlog file from the Bot.
o Add Screen Wipe. Delete dead screen sessions when starting the script.
o Add Spinner.
o Add Executable from Any Directory. You can Start it with TS3MusicBot_Control from Any Directory.
o Add Disable YTDL -> MP3. Now you can Disable YTDL -> MP3 Convert for each bot individually.
o Remove Logger. The logger has been deactivated. We may be reactivated later
o Remove User Choice. Now the Script Create and Use the User TS3MusicBot_Control
o Remove Autostart and Autorestart description. Maybe here comes something with one of the next updates ;) Maybe!
o Edit Settings Save. Now Settings and Botsettings are stored in a sqlite database.
o Edit Change Bot Parameters. Now check if the Bot are Running. If it is running you don't can Change Settings.
o Edit Password Save. Now Passwords are saved in base64. You can Use some Special characters like: !"§$%&/()=?`´^°²³{[]}\*~|'
o Some Many Code Changes.

Older Versionen from TS3MB_Script

Version 0.6.5 (15.12.2018)
o Edit. Package check revised.
o Some Code changes

Full Changelog: ... /CHANGELOG
Last edited by philippe on Fri Dec 14, 2018 11:39 pm, edited 20 times in total.
Version 1.0.0 (07.07.2019)

New Release. Revision of TS3MB_Script

o Add Auto Install for the Scrip with curl. You Only need 1 Line to Install.
o Add Backup. Now you can Backup System Files or All Fiels.
o Add Screenlog. Now you can Print out the Last 40 Lines of the Screenlog file from the Bot.
o Add Screen Wipe. Delete dead screen sessions when starting the script.
o Add Spinner.
o Add Executable from Any Directory. You can Start it with TS3MusicBot_Control from Any Directory.
o Add Disable YTDL -> MP3. Now you can Disable YTDL -> MP3 Convert for each bot individually.
o Remove Logger. The logger has been deactivated. We may be reactivated later
o Remove User Choice. Now the Script Create and Use the User TS3MusicBot_Control
o Remove Autostart and Autorestart description. Maybe here comes something with one of the next updates ;) Maybe!
o Edit Settings Save. Now Settings and Botsettings are stored in a sqlite database.
o Edit Change Bot Parameters. Now check if the Bot are Running. If it is running you don't can Change Settings.
o Edit Password Save. Now Passwords are saved in base64. You can Use some Special characters like: !"§$%&/()=?`´^°²³{[]}\*~|'
o Some Many Code Changes.

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