Bootstrap Framework 3.3.6

Over a dozen reusable components built to provide iconography, dropdowns, input groups, navigation, alerts, and much more...

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By Shadow86

with the new update,we added a Console-Feature

from now on you can shutdown the musicbot from the Linux-Console

here is an Example how it can be look like:

Shutdown + Restart
Code: Select all

screen -S bot1 -X stuff 'stop\n'

screen -S bot2 -X stuff 'stop\n'

screen -S bot3 -X stuff 'stop\n'

sleep 3

cd /Path/to your/Folder

echo "start bot1"
screen -dmS bot1 ./ -account E-mail -port 5000 -webif-pw ADMIN_PASSWORD -webif-pw-user USER_PASSWORD -number 1

sleep 12

echo "start bot2"

screen -dmS bot2 ./ -account E-mail -port 5010 -webif-pw ADMIN_PASSWORD -webif-pw-user USER_PASSWORD -number 2

sleep 12

echo "start bot3"

screen -dmS bot3 ./ -account E-mail -port 5020 -webif-pw ADMIN_PASSWORD -webif-pw-user USER_PASSWORD -number 3
You can make a and put it in a Crontab, so that the script gets automatically runned from the system:

Code: Select all
crontab -e
Run on a specific time (Hours):
Code: Select all
0 0,12,17 * * * /path/to/your/
Run every 12 hours :
Code: Select all
* */12 * * * /path/to/your/
*Tested on Debian 7 and 8 - 64bit*



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