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By coalburner
Is there any way to have multiple streams across multiple channels (In Team Speak 3) without out having multiple MusicBots?

Also can one keep MusicBot in a locked channel, and request a stream from a different channel via whisper or some other method?

Thank for Reply in advance.
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By Crypto90
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Is there any way to have multiple streams across multiple channels (In Team Speak 3) without out having multiple MusicBots?
You can use whisper mode to let the ts3musicbot play across channels.
Teamspeak can only send 1 voice data stream per client.
Also can one keep MusicBot in a locked channel
Use your teamspeak server groups to manage that. So noone can move the client out of its channel.
Also goto your ts3musicbot webinterface -> settings -> user permissions and remove -> others -> channel move permissions for the chat and webinterface.

You can send commands to the client in the client private chat across channels.

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