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Setting up multiple bots

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 6:25 pm
by freakyy85
Hi I have a question. How can I set up multiple bots? Because the tutorial in the wiki says 2 times the same port number for the webinterface. (just start two instances with same start stop script just with different screen names.) it confuses me and i dont find that logical.also it doesnt tell lme where in what interface i have to set the new nick of the bot etc. it would be nice if someone could explain me step by step how to set up a 2nd musicbot for my licence.

Thanks! :)


Re: Setting up multiple bots

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 6:33 pm
by Shadow86
How can I set up multiple bots?
If you want to start multiple instances with a private license just change the Port, for example:

screen -S bot1 ./ -account EMAIL -port 3000 -webif-pw ADMIN_PASSWORD -webif-pw-user USER_PASSWORD -noquery

screen -S bot2 ./ -account EMAIL -port 3001 -webif-pw ADMIN_PASSWORD -webif-pw-user USER_PASSWORD -noquery

screen -S bot3 ./ -account EMAIL -port 3002 -webif-pw ADMIN_PASSWORD -webif-pw-user USER_PASSWORD -noquery
where in what interface i have to set the new nick of the bot
After you used the Admin Password for the Webinterface you can change the Nick of the Client under "Settings -> TS3MusicBot Settings"



Re: Setting up multiple bots

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2016 12:20 pm
by freakyy85
hi. did the following:

screen -S ts3bot -m ./ -account my@account.tld -port 8090 -webif-pw pw -webif-pw-user pw -noquery
screen -S ts3bot2 -m ./ -account my@account.tld -port 8095 -webif-pw pw -webif-pw-user pw -noquery

But the webinterfaces doesnt come up. also both bots say:

TS3MusicBot: Player instance crash detected. Restarted.
TS3MusicBot: TS3 client could not connect after 3 tries. Retry in 60 seconds. [1.] Check if my.ts.ip is online.! [2.] If the ts3 server is password protected save the password in settings. [3.] The security level of the ts3 server has to be 8.
TS3MusicBot: TS3 client could not connect after 3 tries. Retry in 60 seconds. [1.] Check if my.ts.ip is online.! [2.] If the ts3 server is password protected save the password in settings. [3.] The security level of the ts3 server has to be 8.

1 bot is connected though. but i dont know which. and also if i only run 1 bot it works. also the webinterface of the 1st bot is available just not the one of the other bot.

Re: Setting up multiple bots

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2016 12:41 pm
by freakyy85
ok right now 1 bot #1 is connected and the 2nd bot sits there and says cant connect to teamspeak server. and also tghe 2nd webinterface doesnt come up i tried several different ports.

Re: Setting up multiple bots

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2016 1:24 pm
by freakyy85
now after i started multiple bots if i only start the 1st one the music bot admin group is not set anymore and i cant find it anymore int he settings. i cant scroll down where i can set the music bot admin identity etc.

Re: Setting up multiple bots

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2016 1:36 pm
by freakyy85
nm i found out it was the -noquery option ;)

Re: Setting up multiple bots

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2016 10:39 am
by Shadow86

okay great to hear.

If you want to prevent that your configs get mixed up you can use an additional command -number 1,2,3

for example:

screen -S ts3bot -m ./ -account my@account.tld -port 8090 -webif-pw pw -webif-pw-user pw -noquery -number 1
screen -S ts3bot2 -m ./ -account my@account.tld -port 8095 -webif-pw pw -webif-pw-user pw -noquery -number 2



Re: Setting up multiple bots

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2016 12:02 pm
by freakyy85
my 2nd bot just doesnt wanna connect. it doesnt connect and i cant reach the webinterface.

Re: Setting up multiple bots

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2016 6:59 pm
by Shadow86

come on our Support TS3, then we can take a look on it

